Tag Archives: streaming. subscription

Gray Flannel Cool 3.2 – Make Google Music look as cool as it works


Google Music player 
GPM makeover May2015 Before

[May 14, 2015 Google makeover]


After applying Gray Flannel Cool…GPM-GrayFlannelCool-May17-Artists
Gray Flannel Cool artists page…

How to Install the Gray Flannel Cool style for Google Music  


Fig. 1

  • Once you have Stylebot, go to the Gray Flannel Cool page at http://stylebot.me/styles/4844 and use the style-install button you find there  [fig1]  — that’s all there is to it!


The next time you use Google’s online music player, you should see nice, muted content-forward neutral backgrounds. But don’t worry, you haven’t hacked the actual Google Play Music page — just how it looks in your browser! 

And you can turn it off anytime or look for other restyles for Google Music  — and other sites — anytime you like, just remove the current custom style, click on the small Stylebot css button in the Chrome toolbar — you can preview the restyles instantly from the Stylebot install from social option.


The second most important hack to make Google Play Music fun and easy:

Turn Google Play Music into a desktop app! It’s EASY!*

In Windows: Set up Google Play to the view you want to open. In the Chrome menu (click the ‘hamburger’ menu icon in the upper right toolbar area) go to  More tools / Create application shortcuts, and check the boxes where you want the Windows shortcuts to go.

Added bonus, you can make a separate app for each of your favorite views — even for individual playlists! I have separate shortcuts for the Library Albums page and my favorite day-starting playlist.

*Mac users may want to check this article:

Note: this restyles the entire Google Play Store. If you have any problems just use the Stylebot css button to remove the style or choose a different style from those available. If you do have problems, please feel free to leave a comment on the Gray Flannel Cool page.



Google’s May 2015 update turned the formerly full screen queue window into a ‘handy’ pop-up — unfortunately, the Google version only allows about 20 characters for artist names and for the combination of track AND album titles… This fixes that.

Don’t like gray any more than orange?
Check out the Play Midnight for Google Chrome extension theme for GPM, which gives users a nice, dark midnight feel… And because it’s a full extension, it can offer the user the option to change the theme colors. (Actually, Gray Flannel Cool can be modified by users, as well — but they have to actually edit CSS style code… not everyone’s cup of tea.)